Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Week of The Lasts Continues--- (September 15-21st)

Sunday Night --The Last Sunday Evening Zone Call--these are some amazing young missionaries.  We miss them and their wise teaching and examples.

Monday morning--Our Last District meeting with Elder Anderson as our zone leader.  He did a great job.

Monday Night--Our Last Branch Family Home Evening--Bowling at Bowling World in Ft. Smith

I took this picture of the girls that were there but somehow I didn't download the group shot from the Facebook chat before we got off of it.

Love these girls and miss them!!

Jena and Gary taking their turns

Jena and Karina

bowling selfie--not often you go bowling with a mission tag

Tuesday- you guess it-- The Last Institute Class in Ft. Smith

Our (last) white board discussion from The Divine Gift of Forgiveness course

Gary getting things set up with the computer.  Each of us
has a part to play.

A photo with the YSA Sisters and Karina
When I was setting up the schedule for the semester of class, I debated on whether we should make this class "goodbye party" for us. When we arrived, that was the first class we attended--the party to say goodbye to the Ritters and it was great and fun.  However, it didn't seem right and didn't really work in the schedule well, especially with the two week break between our departure and the arrival of the Summers, our replacements.  So, we planned the semester with this week being Chapter 8 in the book.  As it worked out, this chapter is a review of Jesus Christ's mortal mission and allowed for us to discuss many things related to the Savior.  There was a moment during the lesson where different young adults were sharing comments and the room was just peaceful and spirit-filled and I felt a confirming feeling of "rightness"--this was how we should spend our last class together--speaking of Christ and testifying of Him. These were the feelings and messages that I wanted these young adults to feel and know as we left them.  It was the perfect goodbye for me.....but more to come-----

Wednesday---"Last" meal With Carters

Heading to The Egg for brunch with Joe and Julie Carter-----

We love the Carters and so glad that our friendship with them
does not end with the end of our mission.

(journal note) Sister Carter told me again something that she has shared several times with me.  She said, "We have loved all of the senior couples who have served in the branch and with the young adults before there was a branch.  Each of them played a different role.  But you--you were called to serve me.  Not that you didn't also serve the branch well--but many times things you said or things you taught were specifically meant for me.  Thank you for coming to serve me."  Heavenly Father does that for us--He allows us to teach and serve each other to help all of us to come closer to Him. It is a sweet moment to know that you made a difference for one person and that they felt Heavenly Father's love for them through you.  That is what we always want as we love and interact with others.

Wednesday Afternoon-- Last Wandering Drive to Take A Picture Of the Chicken Gary Had Found

Worth the drive!

Wednesday Evening-- Last Institute Class in Clarksville

And a Last "BeReal" Photo for the Zone Chat

Thursday and Friday were spent in the hard work of packing and cleaning---and yes, there was the Last cleaning of the toilet and the last mopping of the floor, etc.---but no pictures for those moments.

We did get a Last sunset picture on Thursday night from our apartment:

There are beautiful sunsets in many places, but with our place on a hill with only grass and trees to the west, these views will be part of our Arkansas memories forever.

There was the LAST photo of a Razorback and  LAST crossing of the Arkansas River as we headed to Bentonville that Friday night--

Saturday morning--We had our last visit with President and Sister Hathaway at the mission home...
and our last visit to the Bentonville Temple----(at least while we are missionaries here)--although President Hathaway indicated that when we are ready to come back, he will make it happen. :)

as we attended an endowment session with our YSA branch and friends---ONE LAST TIME!

And then after lunch--the last were done as we departed Bentonville for home in Utah!!

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