Monday, August 7, 2023

Our YSA Temple Trip To Oklahoma City Temple

Since we started off from the stake center, our route out of town took us through downtown Ft. Smith.  Everywhere there are murals on the buildings.  Here are just two examples.  When the weather is cooler, we will do some walking tours downtown and get more photos of the art work.

Basically our route is all on I-40 west to Oklahoma City.  In eastern Oklahoma, you see much of the same green trees and hay fields as in Arkansas, but as you travel west, it becomes more and more like western Oklahoma and the Panhandle of Texas--drier and flat....and the wind blowing....
Tosha and Austen lived in Oklahoma City when they were first married.  Austen was assigned to the Tinker base here so we got a photo of the water tower for the base as we drove by.
The city scape of Ok City

We were going to the temple because Brooklyn, who recently joined the Church, was going for the first time to do baptisms for the dead along with her boyfriend and the two sister missionaries.  That was set for Thursday morning, so we went early on Wednesday so we could do an endowment session as well.  Lizzy Martin joined us for both and spend the night with a married sister who lives in the area.

example of a dream catcher in the window

Our selfie with Lizzy

Thursday morning was another clear and windy day in Oklahoma City.  This temple is one of the small versions, just over 10,000 sq. feet. It shares its parking lot with a stake center. Done in dusty greens, yellows, and tans, it reminds you of the plains that surround this part of the world.  Like many temples it has local touches inside such as images of local flowers and art work representing the plains.  There are also elements in the rugs and stain glass windows similar to arrows and dream catchers which highlight the Native American parts of Oklahoma.

After we gathered together in the baptistry, the temple president came in and spoke to us--mostly to Brooklyn--to remember the feelings she felt being inside the temple today and doing work for those who have passed on.  It was a sweet message and reminders to all of us to slow down and to feel the powerful spirit within the temple.

Here are our young adults with the YSA missionaries afterwards---

Gary Morris, Brooklyn Neeley, Sister Cowley, Lizzy Martin, Sister Wassmer

Cute sign on the way out of town

We saw this over I-40 on the way into town, but didn't get pictures.  Not sure what it suppose to represent but it certainly gets your attention.
Other interesting sights in the city.....
A greyhound flying in the area--it must be connected to the Greyhound bus station but we couldn't see that part--just a flying dog.
Our young adults hung out longer than us and sent these pictures to us later.....

It was great to make this quick trip to Oklahoma City and to do temple work there for those who have gone before us.  It wasn't until I was sitting in the temple with the family card that I had printed when I realized that she had been born in Oklahoma.  It seemed perfect that this ordinance would be performed her in her behalf.

It was also a tender experience to share Brooklyn's first temple experience with her.  She had been to the temple open house in Bentonville, but nothing is quite the same as a dedicated House of the Lord.  There is just time and space to feel the peace and love of Our Heavenly Father, of Jesus, and to leave feeling "full."

Likely our only trip to the Oklahoma City Temple during our mission.  We will be going to the Kansas City Temple with some other senior missionaries at the end of August and in mid-September the Bentonville Temple will be dedicated and become the closest temple.  Exciting times ahead, but glad for this sweet experience. 

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