Sunday, November 27, 2022

Night Time At The Hotel

In between the traveling and the learning, we did stop and eat usually breakfast and dinner were at our hotel.  It was always buffet style which was great.  Jena had cheese pizza almost every morning for breakfast--because it was there.  I think I had fresh tomatoes and cucumbers for every breakfast and dinner as well with hummus.  And Israeli hummus is AMAZING!
Fresh fruits and vegetables were always available.  Elder Rona explained that through the use of covered fields, they are able to have 3-8 crops from one piece of land each year.  The Israelis have mastered using their lands and their limited water to an art form.  I have pictures of the covered fields that I will post on another day of sightseeing.
Fun to be with this group of people!
We had brought games to play, but we only played games one night as a group in the lobby of our hotel in Jerusalem.  We were usually just too tired after dinner.

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