Sunday, December 5, 2021

There Is Beauty All Around!

I picked these leaves up on the ground in Provo one day--actually over a month ago, but then forgot about them until this past week and pulled them out of the car.  Even then, they are still so beautiful and so big--I am sorry I didn't put them by something to help point out their size.

This photo doesn't do justice to the viewing--greens and yellows--on this leaf.

And then, looking out our north facing window on Saturday evening, the sky was glowing pink and then slowly changed to oranges.  It seemed like the air itself was colored.  I headed out the door and down to the west facing window in our hallway and watched a gorgeous sunset.  It is only for 5-6 minutes when the air was tinted and the skies so beautiful and then dusk comes and night falls.  But that night, I am so glad for the moments to watch that beauty on display.

Sorry for the light in the hallway!
Don't miss the sunset tomorrow!

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