Sunday, December 27, 2020

Some Trips to Salt Lake and Beyond for Christmas

Wednesday, we had been invited as zone leaders plus one to attended the Boxed Christmas lunch for all of the full time missionaries living in downtown Salt Lake.  It was hosted by the mission presidency and held in the lobby of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building--directions- come in the west door and out the east door wearing masks, and do not congregate along the way. 

We actually had to arrive early into Salt Lake.  We first made our first pick-up of a donation for the Church History Library--a collection of papers and journals from three distant relatives of the donor.  This had been arranged by one of the missionaries in our zone and since we were going to Salt Lake anyway, we got to pick them up and deliver them to the Church History Library. After the pick-up, we headed to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and up into the mission office.  We had made arrangements to use a computer there so that we could attend our zone devotional at 10:00.  It was nice to walk around the mission office, learn where our box was and get our parking pass, and meet more of the people there who we have interacted with over email.

outside of the Church History Library

We then headed down at the proper time, got our lunches and treats and then waited at the end of the line to meet any of our zone who might have attended.  We were able to meet Elder Peterson from our zone plus have short conversations with other missionaries.  

In addition to our lunches and chocolates, we also got this missionary photo which we are in.  I think they were putting it together during our first weeks in the mission.

I have it on our mantle at the moment--

Like finding Waldo--can you find Gary and I?

We then dropped the box off along with Gary to be delivered to the Library.  Gary got a couple of quick things done and then joined us in the car to eat our lunches together before we headed out in different directions--Gary headed back to the Church History Library to help another missionary set up her new laptop while Jena and I headed to Provo to drop off some clothes and Christmas gifts for Ben.  The timing was almost perfect--Gary got done shortly after we arrived back to Salt Lake.  Jena and I were able to use our parking pass for the first time and figure out the best places to park to access the Church History Library.  Of course, once we move to Salt Lake, we will usually walk from our apartment to the Library but for now it is useful.

After a "fruitful" trip we headed home to complete some missionary/zone stuff before trying to finish up our Christmas preparations.  I was very proud because I completed all of my wrapping on Wednesday night--except for the one package which arrived on Thursday.  That is probably a record for me! It sure made Christmas Eve peaceful.

Christmas Eve (Thursday) Gary and I headed back to Salt Lake Valley to pick up lunch at Red Robin and share it with Dad and Karla at their house.  It was good to see them and spend an hour or so talking and eating.

Okay, I know it is not a "social distancing" photo but as I stood by my dad for this photo, I was struck by the feeling that we didn't expect my dad to make it to this Christmas and to the year 2021.  With all that has happened this year, I am so glad that he is still here, that we have time in between goodbyes and with all of those feelings, I just had to put my arm around him and be grateful for this moment!

We then stopped off at one of our zone members who is living downtown at her apartment to help set up her new computer at her house.  We had a nice visit with her as well.

Finally we got home and the time for celebrating began in earnest--

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