Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Owen Cousins Reunion

 After missing our trip to Oregon for the Owen reunion (thank you, 2020!), we decided to try a zoom reunion with our cousins.  With the help of my cousin, Dan Gibson, who set it up and provided a slide show of old pictures, we gather this afternoon on Zoom to see our cousins.  For some of my siblings, it has been over 40 years since they have seen our cousins.

It was so great, even though not everyone could get their video and audio working at the same time. Eventually we got my seven siblings (plus me), three of my Owen siblings who were all together in Portland, and eight of the ten Gibson cousins.   

Of course, there were some technical issues, but despite all of that it was nice to see each other and to remember the memories and the people that we share--our Grandparents and our aunts and uncles. We decided to do it each year in September which is my grandfather's birthday month (he shares the same birthday with Ben and also my cousin, Leith's husband.)

Grandma and Grandpa Owen, mom, Aunt Lois, and Uncle Bob--I hope you got to glance in and hear the love that we share and the love that we have for you.  Thanks for the memories!

My Grandmother at an Owen reunion--she is the red

My sisters in front of one of the houses our Grandmother lived in.
Robin, Valerie, and Lynette

Uncle Bob and Aunt Ruth, my parents, and my Grandparents

My mom, Grandmother, and Aunt Lois
and us and cousins...

Probably one of the last photos of us with my Grandfather
who pasted away in 1959 when I was four
I am in the dress in front next to Todd, mom is holding Mike and
she was pregnant with my sister, Robin.

Memories of my extended family are an important part of my childhood.  So glad to share some of them today with my grown-up cousins.

(Jena told me that my cousins were OLD!)

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