Sunday, April 26, 2020

Spring- It Came

.."It came without ribbons! It came without tags!
It came without packages, boxes, or bags!"

Oh, sorry--wrong season.  But that is somewhat what it feels like when I go outside.  Inside we are checking on news about the pandemic, making masks, and doing this and that to continue to "stay home, stay safe." It is easy with the total change in routine to forget that the earth is still orbiting the sun and the days and weeks are moving ahead along with the seasons.

This past week we actually got into the car and drove--out of Syracuse--to Provo to pick up the rest of Jena's stuff and to clean the townhouse.  It was amazing how green the mountainsides are but with a new dusting of snow from some cold weather a week ago.  I realized that I am not pausing enough to look to the sky, to the mountains, etc., even with my daily walks.  Of course, there is something special to me about the mountains that surround BYU and being in Provo almost always reminds me of some special memory from my time as a student.  Young adulthood is such a critical time of life that it is not surprising how close I hold those memories--good and hard--in my heart.

I took a walk around my backyard this afternoon to notice the new flowers that have started to bloom.

Tulips with the greenery from other plants waiting to bloom in the next wave---

 The lilac bush outside our bedroom window

I don't remember what these are called, but they remind me of Dr. Seuss's plants as they make a big purple ball when they bloom.  This one is just getting ready to bloom.

Spring--I am glad you came despite the virus, the earthquakes, the tornados and other severe storms (in the southern US), and the downward spiraling economic situations.  We needed that reminder!

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