Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Weekend Fun

Saturday afternoon, Jena noticed this taped on our front window and when we went outside, there were Easter eggs on our front yard.  Jena loved having an unexpected Easter egg hunt.  Thanks to our sweet neighbors, the Savages!

 It was just started to rain as Jena collected the last egg.
Then this morning as I was getting out of the shower, the dogs were barking like crazy.  I didn't think much about it until I noticed the white signs outside when I headed out to make a delivery to one of the sisters that I was ministering to.  At first, I assumed it was another neighborhood family until I looked closer.....and saw my sweet grandchildren's faces on their own little bunny pictures.

Then I got a call from Liam.  He was so excited to tell me that he and Jessica had come up and gave us an Easter egg hunt "with surprises inside the eggs."  I guess he was the only one that they trusted to understand that it was a surprise and they couldn't go into our house.  It has been very weird to not to see them with the whole "stay at home" order.
 The main poster
"Some bunnies love you and Miss you lots!"
And Jena loved doing another unexpected Easter egg hunt. 



Thanks for that great surprise, Liam, Zander, Alex and Carter.  We LOVED IT!

The Adult Easter Bunny made a stop for Ben and Jena, but we are waiting until Ben comes after work tonight to join us for dinner.

Hope your quiet Easter Day has included some nice surprises, too!

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