Sunday, September 17, 2023


I don't know if I have mentioned this before on the blog, but I think that I am "one of the spoiled children" of Heavenly Father. We are so blessed far beyond anything that we have done or do. This week was a perfect example of it!


Monday-  District meeting, zoom interview with President Collins, our mission leader, and a Regional YSA Family Home Evening Devotional in Bentonville

Tuesday-  More lesson prep, meal prep, and a fun Institute lesson about hymns written by Latter-day Saint women

Wednesday-- (now our mission P-day for the younger missionaries) apartment cleaning, laundry, bowling with the missionaries and then hanging out with them at the Church (an sharing some leftover cake from Monday night), lesson prep for Thursday

Thursday-lesson prep, meal prep, we got our car back from the body shop after four days of repairing the damage from our minor side swipe back in July,---but then Institute was cancelled because two of our three students had conflicts and the third student could only be there a part of the time---(which then meant we watched our first NFL game of the season just because it was a Thursday night!)

Friday- haircuts for Jena and I and then a P-day afternoon road trip to see Hardy Falls and drop something off to the Clarksville Elders

Saturday- an unexpected lunch with Dick Thiot (a friend from Plano, TX), a drive through the countryside, and the BYU vs Arkansas football game

and in just a couple of hours, we will participate in the dedication of the Bentonville House of the Lord--Bentonville Temple---always a highlight mortal experience and a perfect end to a wonderful week.

and today is also BEN HALL's birthday--another great blessing in our lives.

380+ photos from all of this amazing stuff.  For more details, keep reading the posts that follow!!!!

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