Sunday, February 6, 2022

Hanging out in Syracuse

Thursday afternoon, Jena and I got to hang out with four of the grandchildren while Jessica and Elessia had a meeting and Liam was at school.  I brought some bubble wrap for them to pop and even Ezri knew exactly what to do.....
even though her stomping ended up with her falling down almost immediately.
I had decided that it would be fun to make chocolate chip cookies with the kids and surprise Liam when he got home from school with a treat.


I forgot how much of a production it was to make cookies with four little people.  Ezri hung out in the high chair for a little bit with frozen peas to eat, but then she wanted to be out of there.  As soon as I took her out, she went and found a step stool and pushed it over to the table, and then climbed up on it to be a part of the cookie making action.  She loved tasting chocolate chip cookies and pour some in the bowl.
But she was thrilled to be able to take her turn mixing like everyone else.  She just wants to be as big as they are.
The kids did great in taking turns and measuring things and our cookies were yummy!  And we were happy to take some cookie dough home and make some more cookies the next day (although there was some people--who will remain nameless--who snitched cookie dough!)

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