Sunday, November 7, 2021

Fire Truck Parade

On Sunday evening, we began to hear the blaring of fire trucks close by--not totally unusual in the middle of a city--however, they kept getting closer and louder--when they finally turned down our street we realized that they weren't racing to a fire, but forming a parade of some sort.  It included many fire trucks and then police cars and a couple of motorcycle cops--all with lights flashing and horns blaring.

Gary found out later that night that a senior fire chief in the Salt Lake Unified Fire District had died of Covid and they were honoring him with a possession across the city.

Another reminder that we are truly in a pandemic.

In my whole life, with many flus cycling through and which people have died--for sure--I have never personally known someone who died from the flu.  Around me now, people I do know or know people who love them are dying even now from Covid-19.  I was waiting in the dentist chair this week and the person in the next room shared that they had to miss their prior appointment due to the death of his brother-in-law from Covid.  He was 50 years old.  That type of stuff has never happened around me with the flu.  I get the new nature of Covid-19 and the idea that we will live with it on earth now for a long time just like the flu--and people will die from both because they can impact mortal lives that way.

But Hello, people---this is still a pandemic.  Let's be nice and be smart!  Wash your hands, don't go out when you are sick, and wear a mask!

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