Saturday, September 18, 2021

More Moments In Missionary Life

The Church History Library is an interesting place to be.  You never know from day to day what you might learn or what you might see.....

Here is a banner made to celebrate (something- I can't remember what at the moment, but I will try to remember and put it here).  I remembering thinking it was cool enough to take a picture of!???
Here is Liz, our archivist, checking out the newly arrived collections from home----and the boxes--they are everywhere.

At the end of August, we had arranged to take the "Foundations of Faith Tour" with our zone members who joined the zone since Covid started.  Typically, as you will see, new missionaries come and take this tour as part of their training week.  We missed that due to doing only on-line training.

These are (the back of the heads) of some of our amazing missionaries. They all are so talented, warm, funny, and hard-working.  It is an honor to serve with them.

Here we are watching the film "The Story Lives Here."

And here, the group is listening to the tour about the articles in the display table which included a first edition of the Book of Mormon and some hand written accounts of the First Vision.  Very cool---

This is Sister Twitchell who is guiding the tour for our group.  She and her husband were part of our mission training group back in November of last year.  They moved to Salt Lake in May as well from their home in Idaho.

Jena leading the music for zone Devotional.
The last few weeks of August, Jena was getting several thank-you notes from zone members for her sweet "Welcome Back" notes to our missionaries.  This one came with a candy bar!

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