Sunday, June 28, 2020

A Provo Monday

It has been a few months since we last made a trip to Provo on Monday.  Jena's Provo YSA Ward which has been doing so many great Zoom family nights was having an in-person tie-dying activity.  We decided to surprise Jena and take her down there to hang out with friends in person, including her "old" roommate, Esther.  We told Jena we were going on a Monday Night hike.

She was pretty happy to see her old friends and had a fun time tie-dying on the grass by her old apartment.

Just when we arrived, they made a run for the sidewalks as the sprinklers had turned on.
Jena with Esther-- (social distancing violation with permission!)
Then, because you don't want to tell a lie, we headed for an evening hike to Bridal Veil Falls in Provo Canyon.  The river is still running fast and high from the spring runoff.
It was a perfect evening for a hike and while we did pass others on the way up and down it was mostly quiet and peaceful.

The sound of the water falls and the nearby Provo river is one of the sounds I love to hear the most!

Great hiking companions---
We topped the evening off with ice cream on the way out of town.  Some days you just need to get out of the house and do something unexpected!

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