Around Christmas, I decided that I have time to actually complete an application for Utah State's masters of social work. They are offering a part time program (three years) in Kaysville which is about 15 minutes away. The application process required two applications, my transcript from BYU, three letters of references, a short statement of intent for Utah State, and a five page essay for the School of Social Work and the GRE or MAT test. For the obvious reasons they won't accept my GRE from 1981 so I opted for the MAT test which was just 60 minutes long--all analogies. It was a quirky test and although I don't know my actual % score I do know I was above the required 40% mark required for admissions. Whew! It was all due on Jan. 15 and there it will be until March or April or until they decide to let me know if I was accepted or not. If I get accepted, I may write out my reasons for this choice--I can tell you it is not because I am bored and don't know what to do with my life.
The second project is for the Utah Down Syndrome Foundation and this is the launch of our new web site which has been an ongoing mess for me since the get-go. Decisions were made before I was involved which started this big project but then the people involved were gone-- moved, family problems, etc,--not before offending other people who might have been able to help. Then people offered to help but didn't do what they said they would do, etc. Now the firm doing the actual designing has been awesome and it will look great when we complete it. I finally just gave up on other people and started doing our part by myself and finally there was some progress. In the last few days I got someone working who has been promising to help for 6 months and she has been awesome these past three days doing technical things which I don't know or understand---and finally it looks like it might be getting done. (This is now Jan. 20--hope to publish by the end of the week.) I will put a link to it when it is done. It is so nice to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel on this project so I can focus on things which I might be more good at for the foundation.
And that is mostly what I have been doing in 2014 so far...although we did have a few other fun things to report which I will add in their own posts.
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